Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day #32 - Rooms!

The framing is not finished, but the interior studs are up and I saw how all the rooms lay out tonight.  I climbed higher up the hill behind the house to take this photo so more of the interior was visible.

That's the good news.  The general contractor asked to meet me on the job site early this morning.  We discussed how the bay window in the kitchen was to be installed then moved into what was going to happen in the coming days.  Rogue Truss is slammed with work, and we are 10 days out for delivery.

Fortunately, there are other things that can be completed, wrapping the outside of the house, installing doors & windows to name but two.  Also, the trusses should arrive before our weather changes and it begins to rain.  Fingers are crossed on that one!

We will see what progress occurs between now and truss arrival and determine if the progress is worthy of a blog update.  Stay tuned and check back!

1 comment:

  1. 2 pieces of good news: Rogue Valley Truss being slammed seems to me an indicator of some uptick in housing starts, no? And per my ever-reliable weather channel app on my phone, there's almost no chance of rain in the next 10 days! I think you're gonna make it!
    Susan Lee
