Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day #52 - Lots Happening

I have not posted for the past few days because there have not been changes that lend themselves well to photographs.  However, it is time to bring the blog up to date without photos.

Lots has been happening.  Framing continues.  Windows are being installed.  The plumbers are running water and sewer lines.  The HVAC contractor has met with the general contractor to determine the runs for the heating/air conditioning duct work.  We have a green tag on electrical  so power can be run, and shingles are being installed.

I have finalized the contract for landscaping.  (Good grief, can you spend a fortune on that!)  And, a few minor changes have been made to the house itself such as upgrading the gas fireplace.  I found out that I could get one that is rated at 50% more BTU's for a very small increase in price.

Fortunately, the subs all are working well together.

We will soon be coming to a point where things slow down a bit to seal up the structure to meet the Energy Star rating we are attempting to achieve.  All of the cracks and crevices will need to be sealed.

I have a picture in my mind as to how this is to turn out.  I just hope reality meets expectations!


  1. Re: landscaping -- the amount one can spend is limited only by your budget and the designer's imagination:-) Generally the former runs out before the latter, at least if you have a good landscaper, which YOU certainly do. Are you doing the actual planting of any of the plants, and/or installation of the "stuff" (rocks, water systems, etc.)? For some, that's part of the fun; for others, they'd rather play "pasha" and simply have the scurrying minions do the work!

  2. I haven't thought that far down the road, but I may very well dabble in the dirt a bit to help keep costs down.
