Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cooling Down

Our home in Merlin was a 2 story.  We opened all the windows on cool summer nights, and the chimney effect sucked the hot air out and the house cooled down.  Since my new home is a one story, I wondered how effective opening windows would be.

Yesterday was an 84 degree day, and I baked dinner in the oven.  The house warmed up to 74 degrees.  I opened all the windows last night about 9:30.  This morning, the outside temperature was 44 degrees, and the house had cooled down to 65.  Any cooler and the heat pump would have run.

I was very pleased with the way the house worked.  The air conditioning will probably not run much this summer - another money saver!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Things Are Blooming!

The landscape materials are growing & blooming nicely.  Also, the hydro seeded lawn is just now starting to show through the mulch.

Close up of the dogwood tree in bloom.

Some of the plantings behind the retaining wall.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grass (Well, At Least Green!)

The front and rear lawns were hydro seeded today.  I talked with the gentleman who did it, and he said that my plan to mow it with my old Sears push reel style mower was a bad idea.  This grass needs to be at least 4 inches tall and will need to be mowed only once or twice a month.

He recommends a high wheeled weed style mower.  So, I will be doing some research along those lines.  I won't need to mow for at least 2 months; so, there is time to do it right!

Front yard


Friday, April 12, 2013

Energy Efficiency

The main goal of this house was to reduce overall operating expenses (mortgage payment, utilities, insurance).  Thus, I am keeping a spreadsheet of monthly utility costs.  Utilities do not bill at exact 30 day periods; thus, I calculate a "30 Day Equalized Amount" so that I can easily compare changes.  The first 30 days total gas and electric cost was $107.94.  The second 30 day period dropped to $91.35 due to warmer temperatures.  Thus, my two month average is $99.65.  The Energy Trust of Oregon estimates an annual monthly utility cost of $76.  I would like to beat that.  We'll see!  So far, I am very happy.  I was on an equalized payment plan at the Merlin house of $214/month.  So, I am definitely savings money!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Last Inside Project

The last inside project (for quite a while) was finished today, installation of the bookshelves that Russ Harrop built for the office.  Two units are over the workbench and one is over the computer desk.  As you can tell from the photos, I have room for expansion of books!  I'll probably find more in boxes in the garage!

The shelves over the computer desk are high on purpose.  I am hopeful to get a new 27" iMac, and I will need the height to accommodate the higher monitor. 

The good news is that with the addition of the shelves I was able to unpack 7 boxes today!  No boxes are stored in the house.  Now, to attack that darned garage full of them!